TEI Debian packages

This is a set of unofficial, unguaranteed, Debian packages with TEI-useful software and resources packaged by the TEI Technical Council.

If you are a Debian Linux user with a bent for experimentation, you may find some of these useful. If you don't know what they are for, don't touch them.

To pick these packages up using apt-get, add this to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

		deb https://packages.tei-c.org/deb/binary ./  (with apt-transport-https installed)

If you see errors like W: GPG error: [WWW] https://packages.tei-c.org binary/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 19CF3E497B9824DC, you'll need to first download our public PGP key and then do

		sudo apt-key add tei-c.pub.key.asc
Name File MD5 checksum
tei-p5-doc tei-p5-doc_4.2.1_all.deb 73677835308840c875736a758d78fd39
tei-p5-schema tei-p5-schema_4.2.1_all.deb 2d7c1b7bf972cdd9418421a68829f61b
tei-p5-source tei-p5-source_4.2.1_all.deb bf04167b34c7a780eee70e61dcac0446
tei-xsl tei-xsl_7.51.1_all.deb e6e351bce20a3f9fae4ab93fda1ff22a

Peter Stadler for the TEI Council